The central message of
Mr. Dancealot is the importance of fitting the style of
education to the subject being taught. It is painfully obvious that the subject of dance
could not be effectively taught within a lecture setting. However, I do not believe that
this point should discount the tried and true Platonic method of imparting knowledge
through dialectic reasoning. In conclusion, I do agree with the author of the video
because she makes a valid argument that some subjects must be taught through a more
interactive medium and not just lecture.
A.What teaching used to be.
1.Roberts points out that the original role of the teacher was to be a metaphorical
wellspring of knowledge.
2.This role was fulfilled by the teaching of the facts and rules that govern the world around
3.This used to be acceptable as much of a child's learning was done at school.
B.What teaching is in the 21st century.
1.Roberts then went on to point out that just as the world has changed with the almost
exponential growth of technology so to has the role of the teacher.
2.No longer is it the teacher's job to be the fountain of intelligence as children are
capable of learning not just at school but anywhere thanks to the advent of the internet
and smartphones.
3.Instead it is now the teacher's role to teach the student how to use this vast
myriad of tools that are at his disposal.
In essence I do believe that Mr. Roberts is correct. I think that the ignominy
attached to technology needs to be lifted so that a whole new wave of learning and
intellectualism can be born from the vast amounts of knowledge that are literally a few
scant keystrokes away.
In response to Mrs. Wendy Drexler's
Networked Student, I do believe that a networked
student is in fact the start to creating an intellectual free thinker, which can indeed be a
powerful thing. It all harkens back to the age old proverb of teaching a man to fish or
giving him a fish. In essence, by teaching a student to network and acting mainly as a
source of guidance or moderator, you teach that student to gather and evaluate
information on his own. This skill is something that many unfortunately lack
in this day and age.
I believe that Ms. Vicki Davis proves an excellent point in her video
Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts, and she makes it eloquently. The skills
of collaboration and experimentation are large milestones within education.
I also agree with her views on teachers not needing to know everything as well. I have
always been under the impression that to truly live life one must be always be willing
to learn.
In regards to the
Learning Race, the leaders are any individuals who can take
it upon themselves to learn and adapt with the advancement of technology. I have always
subscribed to the fact that if you keep an open mind you are likely to learn something.
Also, it is important to note that many of my age group are indeed technologically
proficient as we have taken it upon ourselves to learn the new mediums for data transfer
and creative thought,and I feel that I myself am in a leading position in the learning
I am familiar with the concept of
Flipping the Classroom. I also believe that yes
teaching students how to use technology and think for themselves at a higher level leads
the limitless potential that everyone has for learning and thought. I am quite sure
this will be much more of a common practice by the time I enter the classroom as a teacher.